Kids Sized Kayaks For Sale

Sit On Top Kayaks & Sit Inside Kayaks designed specifically for Kids

You don't have to wait for the kids to be all grown up to get them out on the water. We have a good range of kayaks that are perfect for young paddlers getting to grips with new skills. These kayaks, both sit on top and sit inside, offer fantastic desgins for kids to use in a variety of waters.

Kids Sit On Top Kayaks

Feelfree Move Childrens Sit on top Kayak

Feelfree Move

A compact yet versatile solo sit on top kayak which is perfect for children and smaller adults.

Riot Escape 9 Kids Kayak

Riot Escape 9

A smaller, lightweight Sit on Top Kayak that is popular for children and small adults to paddle.


Kids Sit Inside Kayaks

Dagger Dynamo Kids whitewater kayak

Dagger Dynamo - Club

Small, lightweight closed cockpit for children to paddle. Great for kids who want to progress their paddling skills.

Dagger Axiom 6.9 Childrens Kayak

Dagger Axiom 6.9 - Action

The Dagger Axiom 6.9 is a scaled down version of the regular Axiom for younger paddlers to take on challenging white water

Wavesport Fuse 35 kids kayak for river running playboat from Bournemouth Canoes

Wavesport Fuse 35 - WhiteOut

The Wavesport Fuse 35 a great kids river running playboat. Perfect for learning new skills and promoting confidence progressing through skills.