Give us a call on 01202 625256 if you have any questions about the Werner Sidekick
The Sidekick is a large, powerful playboating and surf blade which is perfect for well conditioned paddlers.
Straight Shaft / Glass Blades:£339.99
Bent Shaft / Glass Blades:£459.99
Werner Sidekick
The Side Kick's large blades offer the ultimate combination of power and responsiveness for strong, well conditioned, play boaters. Large blades with a powerful catch. Down-tilt blade design is responsive and won't trip on the side of your boat. Werner's bomber strength won't let you down. Best choice for strong, well conditioned play boaters.
Sidekick Straight Shaft / Glass Blades
Sidekick Neutral Bent Shaft / Glass Blades
Sidekick Straight Shaft / Carbon Blades
Straight Shaft
Neutral Bent Shaft
Give us a call on 01202 625256 if you have any questions about the Werner Sidekick