Throwlines & Towlines

Essential Safety And Rescue Equipment

Throw lines are normally used as a bank-side aid in water rescue scenarios, be that on the bank of a whitewater river when kayaking, on the side of a lake or from a swimming pool. Throw bags are also commonly used in open canoeing as swim lines, attached to each end of the canoe they aid rescues in a whitewater environment.

Tow lines are waist mounted belts that are used by a kayaker to tow another boat and have a safety release mechanism should emergency removal of the belt be needed.

HF Weasel 18m Throwline

HF Weasel throwline

The HF Weasel is a compact and lightweight 18m throwline that is amazingly small for the length of line and as result easy to stow in your boat, carry with you on the bank or mount on a waist belt.

  • 7.5mm Thickness
  • High Quality Polypropylene Floating Rope

Most Popular

Price:£35.99 (RRP £39.99 - Saving £4.00)

Palm Lightning 18m Throwline

Palm Ligthning 18m

The Palm Lightning 18m Throwline is lightweight, compact and has a breaking strain of 8 kN. The stiffened neck makes it quick and easy to deploy and to re-pack.

  • 8mm floating polypropylene kernmantle rope
  • Stiffened neck to aid throwing and repacking
  • Fast and secure Fidlock magnetic closure
  • Quickclip Clean Line Attachment point

Price:£42.50 (RRP £50.00 - Saving £7.50)

Palm Pro Throwline Series

Palm Pro 15m, 20m, 25m

The Palm Pro 15m, 20m & 25m Throwlines feature a static breaking strength of 10kN and come in a durable Cordura 500D bag with built-in foam flotation.

  • 11mm floating polypropylene kernmantle rope
  • Extra fabric and stiffened neck to aid throwing and repacking
  • Quickclip Clean Line Attachment point

15m:£46.75 (RRP £55.00 - Saving £8.25)

20m:£51.00 (RRP £60.00 - Saving £9.00)

25m:£59.50 (RRP £70.00 - Saving £10.50)

Peak Throw Line

Peak Throwline

The Peak throwline is a sturdy and easy to use throwline that comes in two lengths, 15 m and 20 m. It uses a stainless steel attachment loop with 9.5 mm rope that has a knotted breaking strength of 700 kg and an unknotted strength of 1000 kg. A small pocket to hold the throwline and a large opening make repacking easy.

  • 600d polyester ripstop and nylon shell with a buoyant foam insert.
  • Easy and tidy cam buckle open / closure system.
  • Reflective detailing.
  • Weight : 915g (15m) & 1160g (20m).

Price:From £51.00 (RRP £60.00 - Saving £9.00)

Peak Tow Line

Peak UK 5m

The Peak TowLine is available in 5m or 15m lengths and comes with a mesh bottom allowing the line to dry easily in between uses. Attached through a clean and simple quick release clip, it be easily removed in an emergency while towing.

  • 7mm floating polypropylene line with float and shock absorber.
  • 600d ripstop fabric bag with heavy duty zipper.
  • Reflective detailing.
  • 'Sea Dog' plastic clip is strong and won't corrode.

5m:£55.25 (RRP £65.00 - Saving £9.75)

15m:£58.65 (RRP £69.00 - Saving £10.35)

Palm Quick Tow Belt

Palm Quick Tow Belt

The Palm Quick Tow Belt is a very adaptable quick-release waistbelt featuring a low-profile clamshell pocket and 10m of floating rope. The velcro opening allows the rope to deploy easily, so you can simply clip on and paddle away.

  • 6mm floating polypropylene kernmantle rope
  • Clean tail safety release
  • Seadog rustproof plastic clip

Most Popular

Price:£60.00 (RRP £70.00 - Saving £10.00)

North Water Dynamic Pro - 50

North Water Dynamic Pro Sea Tow

The North Water Dynamic Pro Sea Tow - 50 (15m) is a sleek, compact tow line. The line is quick to deploy thanks to the velcro opening. The large wide-mouth bag is easy to re-pack.

  • 6mm floating polypropylene rope
  • Adjustable and removable shock absorber
  • Wide gate stainless steel karabiner
